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The Change Mental Health Treatment Has Needed.

If you are looking into therapeutic options for yourself or a loved one, Soulegria specializes in therapeutically based treatment services.

Explore Our Services

A young adult launching into independence marks a new phase, not just for them, but for their entire family.

This can involve reimagining and reworking many of the aspects that make up a well-balanced life–communication, support, trust, and responsibility.

At Soulegria, we teach our clients how to start that journey off on the right foot, or help them regain their footing if they feel they have lost their way. With our proprietary P.R.O.M.I.S.E. model serving as a blueprint, we guide families through the process of building better versions of themselves, and help young adults forge the keys that will unlock their life’s potential.

Call Today to Start Your
Journey to Success: 855-768-5808

Call Today to Start Your Journey to Success: 855-768-5808

What does “Soulegria” mean?

Soulegria is our name for what we consider the truest form of happiness–the kind that becomes possible only when all aspects of your life are working together in balance and harmony. Using this word, we can proudly and confidently declare our unconditional love for life, for each other, and for ourselves.

Our Story
What is independent living?

Some of our clients need help doing daily tasks on their own. We help these individuals learn independent living skills. We do this in a unique, exciting, adventure-filled setting in which to explore what it means to build a healthy community, expand the horizons of possibility, and live their lives to the fullest.

Our Services
What makes our services unique?

At the heart of our therapeutic philosophy are the seven P.R.O.M.I.S.E. principles that are based on Maslow's hierachy of needs. Through an individualized blend of family-focused counseling, educational support, and opportunities for on-location work experience, we provide young adults with an empowering framework for self-actualization.

Our Approach

Explore The Great Outdoors

Soulegria seeks a myriad of opportunities for adventure, relaxation, and personal development. Outdoor adventures create ample opportunities for hiking, biking, site seeing, and catching some vitamin D. Within the city you can find the perfect settings for culture, diversity, and overcoming social anxiety that our clients may face.

Learn New Skills

Find your career, learn to have better hygiene, develop relationship skills, discover your purpose, be more honest so that you can be the best version of yourself.

There Are Many Waysto conquer any obstacle.

We’ll help find the one that works for you.