2020 was a challenging year (to say the least) for most people in the US. In addition to the covid-19 outbreak claiming the lives of hundreds of thousands of citizens, the mandatory national and state restrictions put in place to curb the virus, killing countless more, also came with a cost. 

Among many other unavoidable consequences of social restrictions, such as thousands of businesses closing and unemployment reaching an all-time high, was the devastating effect the shut-downs have had on our nation's mental health - none more so than their impact on the lives of young people. 

Young People are More Lonely Than Ever Says New Report

According to two new studies, covered initially by HealthLine, young adults (ages 18-24) face their highest rates of loneliness and risk of suicide since the pandemic restrictions for public safety began over a year ago. 

As to why young adults feel more significant levels of loneliness than other demographics, Tess Brigham, MFC, BCC, a psychotherapist, and board-certified coach, is an expert on all things pertaining to young people's mental health; Dr. Brigham specifies that the pandemic has disproportionately affected the mental health of young adults for a few key reasons. 

In an interview with Healthline, Brigham states that one of the reasons is that young adults tend to have smaller social circles than other demographics. Whereas children have their parents, and older adults are more likely to have started their own family, young adults are often out on their own, many living far away from their parents. 

She says that while some of her young adult clients chose to move back in with their families during the pandemic, others don't have that opportunity due to strained relationships with their parents. 

"While older adults have their partners and children at home with them, many of my clients relied on their friendships at work as well as outside of work as their primary way to connect with others," she said.

In her Healthline article, Dr. Tess Brigham details the various social obstacles that are causing young people to feel isolated and suicidal more than any other age group. What's more, the doctor also gives readers advice on supporting young men's and women's mental health. 

To read the report in its entirety, click here. 

About the Author:
Tyler Olsen
Tyler Olsen

Executive Director

Co-Founder and Executive Director Tyler Olsen has...

Co-Founder and Executive Director Tyler Olsen has extensive experience in working with individuals and their families. Tyler received a...