Therapeutic Assistance For Young Adults

Therapeutic Independent Living Assistance For Young Adults

Soulegria is the premier group home for young adults ages 18-25, struggling with substance abuse, emotional immaturity, and independent living.

Soulegria is located in the stunning desert of southern Utah and is well known for its high-quality program that features assisted living, group and individual therapy, peer support, and countless opportunities for personal growth. While many parents of struggling young adults think of “group homes” when it comes to helping their children, Soulegria is so much more.

As a treatment center, Soulegria not just a facility where troubled young adults reside, with some activities and classes that might help them move forward someday. Soulegria takes an active role every single day to help each young man or woman make a positive change in their life.

Soulegria is a unique and supportive program that is ready to help. Call us today at 1-(800) 348-8508 to speak with one of the representatives.

Young Adult Group Homes

Nationwide, parents are finding themselves worrying about how to help their struggling young adult, and often consider group homes. There could be many reasons that their young adult is not flourishing, such as:

  • Mental health challenges
  • Irresponsible behavior
  • Failure to succeed in college or even to finish high school
  • Inability to obtain or to hold a job
  • Substance abuse
  • Family conflict
  • Difficulties in other relationships
  • Lack of a sense of direction

All of these are important issues, but they will rarely be resolved in a simple group home setting. Rather, a more intensive, active approach will need to be used, and this can be found in Soulegria.

Our Unique Program and Staff Can Be The Difference You're Looking For

Soulegria strives to be the better option when looking for a residential treatment center. With our therapeutic staff and life skill programs, we hope to encourage the best version of each young adult, to help them recognize the success that they are capable of.

Soulegria will help each student to embrace the emotional, physical, and spiritual growth that they need to have long-term, successful independence.

Each aspect of this is, we believe, vital in different ways:

Emotional – As each young man or young woman learns to identify and achieve personal goals, it will give them a keen sense of accomplishment that will encourage them to go further. The experience they gain by moving beyond real-life failures enables them to not only empathize with others but to learn how to be forgiving of themselves.

Physical – Soulegria promotes a healthy dose of well-being through diet and fitness. Each student learns how to prepare meals, and enjoys nutritional classes and individualized fitness programs during their stay with us. Soulegria is a substance-free environment, and we educate our young adults on living a healthy life without the use of drugs or alcohol.

Spiritual - Obtaining spiritual awareness is not something that happens overnight, and we embrace that. At our facility, we prefer for young adults to come into spiritual awareness on their own terms, in their own time, and through their own experience.

Group Homes For The Treatment of Mentally Illness

Many young adults struggle with mental illness, and they are not alone. A large part of the U.S population suffers from mental difficulties such as depression and anxiety, leaving too many to wonder how they will ever feel happy again. Some signs of mental illness are:

  • Unable to eat or sleep
  • Unable to perform daily tasks
  • Unwilling to associate with friends and family
  • Lack of interest in normal activities
  • Frequent conflict with family and friends
  • Uncontrollable and/or overwhelming emotions
  • Little to or no energy
  • Feeling numb, or like nothing matters
  • Feelings of hopelessness
  • Self-harm, or the desire for self-harm
  • Substance abuse

Generic group homes have long been the standard for mental health care, but this simple standard falls short far too often. No instance of depression or other mental illness is the exact same as the next, nor should it be treated that way.

Individualized therapy is a staple for Soulegria, in order to help each student receive the help they need to progress, all on a personal level. Group therapy is also used, so that peers may help both uplift and assure students who are still in the beginning stages of their healing.

Soulegria utilizes all of the best experiences and cares to make certain that each young man and woman has the support and therapy they need. Do not hesitate. We are ready to help your young adult succeed and become whole again. Please call us at 1-(800) 348-8508 to find out more and how you can get your son or daughter the help that they need.

Approved National for Parents of Troubled Young Adults 

Centers For Disease Control And Prevention (CDC): Centers for Disease Control and Prevention bolsters the health security of our nation. As the nation’s health protection agency, CDC saves lives, protects, and educates young adults from your local area with serious health threats. Such threats include obesity, smoking and tobacco use, drug use, and sexually transmitted diseases. To accomplish this, CDC conducts salient science practices and health education in your local area, and all over the nation. The CDC fights against expensive and dangerous health threats and responds when these threats arise.

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