Therapeutic Services for Young Adults

Therapeutic Services for Young Adults

If you are looking into therapeutic intervention programs for young adults, your best bet is to find a program that specializes in their mental health treatment. Moreover, the program you choose must meet their specific needs. Not all youthful men and women are the same, and their issues are vast and cover a vast spectrum of problems.

It seems simple, but parents often end up placing their adult child in the wrong situation. Unfortunately, parents who do not look at their young adult child's specific needs are disappointed and devastated.

Placement into the wrong program will waste time, money, and precious resources.

What are Troubled Young Adults?

The term 'troubled young adults,' similar to that of troubled teens, is a behavioral term that is used to describe a young adult man or woman who - for reasons that include, mental health issues, immaturity, addiction, lack of preparedness for the challenges of adulthood, etc. have failed to live to live independently.

Lacking vision, or any motivation to change the overall quality of their fledgling lifestyle, these troubled young men women are predisposed to negative life-consequences.

Statistics show that young adults are prone to substance abuse and addiction, self-harm, and other self-destructive behaviors.

At the very least, these young men and women become complacent in living a life of or below mediocrity - all things most parents have dedicated their parenting years to helping their child avoid at all costs.

Troubled Young Adults: Failing to Launch

One of the main characteristics of troubled young adults is their seeming inability to fully integrate into adulthood and adapt to their responsibilities.

Consequently, their lack of preparedness for the world has left troubled young adults with another moniker: Failure to Launch.

As its title suggests, failures to launch are young men and women who still live with their mom and dad upon graduating high school.

While the two terms are often used in place of the other, they can also be used in slightly different ways.

While 'failures to launch' often classify as being 'troubled,' they do not necessarily have to have any of the same maladaptive behavioral disorders like that of troubled young adults - such as drug-related, dangerous, or other extreme self-sabotaging behaviors.

There are many failures to launch, for instance, that enjoy the lack of responsibilities of living a fully active, adult lifestyle.

Regardless of whether or not failures to launch have any deep-seated mental health disorders like their closest behavioral relative, troubled young adults, they both share one similarity: most of those young men who fit the two terms classification require therapeutic intervention.

Therapeutic Intervention

For 'failure to launch,' this form of therapeutic intervention is what the behavioral industry calls transitional or independent living programs

Transitional living programs are facilities that simulate what's it like to live an independent lifestyle where young adults are taught life skills and necessary applications when living on one's own volition.

However, troubled young adults, on the other hand, would find more appropriate treatment at a residential treatment center that employs psychiatric professionals and other therapeutic counselors who are experts in rehabilitating maladaptive, self-destructive behaviors, such as addiction and self-harm.

That said, few truly cutting-edge facilities provide both modes of treatment, transitional and residential, to troubled young adults who need to develop crucial life skills. Among these types of facilities is our very own, Soulegria (Soulegria).

Soulegria, we are experts in helping troubled kids between the ages of 18 to 25 transition into adulthood.

Our program is designed to identify and then address the specific issues of our students. We understand that each young person is unique and so are their issues.

At Soulegria, we specialize in providing each client with a specialized treatment program geared towards treating their individualized therapeutic needs

To us, it is not about the "treatment" as much as it is about the specialization of said treatment.

When struggling young men and women receive clinical help specifically designed to meet their unique issues, we believe they, in turn, have the greatest chance at achieving long-term success.

For Troubled Young Adults Who Need a Therapeutic Intervention Program, Call Soulegria

Many young adults find success through therapeutic intervention programs by learning about what contributes to their destructive behaviors. If you have reached the point of considering a program designed to help turn troubled young people, call Soulegria at 800-348-8508.

You can find the right option for your adult child by consulting with our professional Admissions Counselor.

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