Treatment for those with Autism

Treatment for Autism

Soulegria  is a unique environment for helping youth and young adults with Autism. Soulegria's program is a uniqe space for learning and growing.

We know that many young people, including your child, are talented, intelligent, and gifted. However, all too often, we see that bright and gifted young individuals upon entering the "real world." This struggle is the primary reason Soulegria developed vocational training programs for young adults, and other life skills training for youth and those with disabilities.

"This type of training works because "smart" and "gifted" don't always equate to success in the real world. Also, personal money management training is part of Soulegria's curriculum."

We have found that when one of our clients is confident with their understanding of banking, budgeting, and saving coupled with proper financial habits, they will make tremendous strides in their journey toward independence.

Soulegria  offers outpaitient ABA therapy along with both residential and transitional living along with Residential long term care. These services assist young adults between the ages of 18 and 28. The program is designed to provide these young adults with the support they need in a controlled environment  to become knowledgeable and self-sufficient while still in the real world.

Through therapy, hands-on experience, educational assistance, employment opportunities, relationship repair, and healthy living, Soulegria gives our youth young people tools necessary to succeed.

The bottom line: Our goal is to help young people navigate out of their youth  and into a world of accountability and responsibility.

Independent Living & Life Skills Training For Young Adults

Soulegria provides vocational training and occupational skills training for virtually any young adult between 18 and 28 years of age who has yet to live independently from their parents' support. We know that some individuals may need ongoing support away from the family, things like job hunting and resume building can be intimidating and challenging for those with little experience in these fields.

This understanding of struggling young adults and the controlled environment sets Soulegria apart from all other young adult transitional living programs.

Specifically, Soulegria provides vocational training, expert resume building, occupational preparation, and imparts expert job searching techniques. Soulegria also provides aid to students with various learning and intellectual disabilities.

Center for Independent Living for Young Adults

Located in the Southern Utah area's beautiful, mountainous region, Soulegria offers a wide variety of educational opportunities for our interns and students.

The educational pursuit is a major part of the "winning edge" here at Soulegria. We see the pursuit of educational achievement as the groundwork for the long-term success of our students.

For this reason, while enrolled with Soulegria, all interns are encouraged, coached, and supported when pursuing their educational goals. While here with us, your loved one can complete their GED.

"As the student pursues their college prep work, they will also be developing proper study habits that they can take with them through their lives."

Here at Soulegria, we have learned that one of the most significant skills that our students can learn is personal money management. One of the services that we provide here at Soulegria is credit building for young adults. Although different philosophies exist about building good credit, we believe that it's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.

Our staff members help the students understand banking, checking, and savings accounts. The students also take part in creating a personal budget and appreciating the value of saving money. In the end, they will acquire personal money management skills that will benefit them for a lifetime.

For testimonials from current and past Soulegria families, please call 1-(800) 348-8508.

Other Resources for Parents and Young Adults

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) - As the primary agency responsible for health protection in the US, the CDC plays an enormous role in dealing with and protecting US citizens from a wide variety of health threats.

These include common problems such as obesity, smoking and tobacco use, STDs, ADHD, and a host of others, as well as more exotic threats when they become national or local issues.

The agency does this by conducting scientific research, providing health education, and acting as needed when health threats arrive. It also promotes and sponsors research to help identify and eliminate these risks.

At Soulegria, we honor each client's unique strengths, challenges, needs, and goals. No matter where they are in their journey. Helping Young Adults transition into life, call us today at 1-(800) 348-8508

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