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Where does the word "Soulegria" come from and what does it mean?

That question starts with another question. How do we define what it is to be happy? The English language is lacking to truly identify different forms of happiness, so we have helped to define it. This is where Soulegria emerged.

Parents often say, "I just want my child to be happy." We ask others how they are doing in order to gauge if they are "happy". But happiness can mean many different things to different people at different times.

Happiness can be externally triggered. It can be based on thoughts, things, places, events and other people. This kind of happiness is very fleeting and conditional upon individual circumstances. For example, we can be happy as we eat ice cream, but then unhappy a few minutes later if that ice cream drops on the ground. But happiness can mean so much more than this temporary state.

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This true, unconditional happiness is what we defined with the word Soulegria.

This is sometimes referred to as peace or joy that comes from the inside. It is what we all are striving for. This happiness is making peace with who you are. It is a state of mind, body, and soul all working harmoniously together. If you have this peace, but you have nothing else, you can still be happy.

If you have everything this world has to offer; possessions, pleasure, love, power, attractiveness, etc., but lack this peace and joy, you can never be truly happy. You will always be searching for more.

To quantify this state of unconditional happiness in life we must clarify the message we give when saying we are happy. To do this we make a distinct difference between the words used to define happiness. We have branded a word to define this state of unconditional happiness. It is "Soulegria" (So-Le-Gria).

To get technical, the word Soulegria is a derivative of the latin language of Portuguese, because latin differentiates the temporary state vs the long term state in their language.

The latin language has two "to be" verbs; Estar and Ser. Estar is a temporary "to be" state like a feeling of (ie hungry/cold/sad.) Ser, on the other hand, is a more permanent state of who you are, not likely to change from day to day. For example, being a man or a woman, being an American, etc.

The conjugation of Ser is "Sou." Using "Sou" takes the "to be" verb to mean more specifically "I am" in the permanent state. We combine this verb, "Sou" with the Portuguese word meaning happiness or joy, "alegria." "Sou" combines with "alegria" equals "Soulegria" when the "a" is dropped.

Therefore "Soulegria" means "I am happy."

Our Mission

The Soulegria Model is based on family systems, is relational and is founded on our proprietary principles of P.R.O.M.I.S.E. Soulegria, is an experiential based program for young adults, 18-30ish years old. Through our extensive educational support, on location work experience, and family-based learning environment, we are able to model a healthy daily life leading to successful independence.